A. Permohonan Pas Pelajar Baharu  (New Student Pass Application)

  1. V01 - Borang Permohonan Visa (VAL)
  2. EMGS - Personal Bond Fees Table
  3. EMGS - Health Declaration Form for New VAL Application
  4. EMGS - Document Certification Requirements

B. Pembaharuan Pas Pelajar (Renewal of Student Pass)

  1. V04 - Borang Permohonan Visa (Pembaharuan)

C. Variasi dan Progres (Variation and Progression )

  1. V02 - Borang Permohonan Visa (Variation)
  2. V03 - Borang Permohonan Visa (Progression)
  3. EMGS - Personal Bond Requirements

D.  Tanggungan (Dependant)

  1. V05 - Borang Permohonan Visa (Tanggungan)

E. Pemeriksaan Kesihatan (Medical Screening)

  1. EMGS - Health Declaration Form
  2. EMGS - Medical Screening Process
  3. EMGS - Medical Screening Guidelines
  4. EMGS - Registered Clinic

F. Insurans Perubatan dan Kesihatan (Health and Medical Insurance)

1. EFTB - Etiqa Family Takaful Berhad (Cardless)

2. GETB - Great Eastern Takaful Berhad

3. TPIB - The Pacific Insurance Berhad

F. Buletin Terkini (Bulletin Updates)

Tahun 2023

Tahun 2024