Selain daripada itu, PB juga menawarkan kursus untuk Pusat Asasi Pertahanan seperti Foundation English dan English for Academic Reading.

Foundation English

This course emphasises on the integration of four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. This integration of skills will assist students to meet academic requirements as well as to prepare them for the Malaysian University English Test (MUET). The course requires students to read and listen to various theme-based articles, to extract information and to present views and points, in groups and as an individual.


English for Academic Reading

The course prepares students for the skills needed to perform academic tasks. It is a reading-based course; however other language skills are also integrated. Through various tasks, students will practice skills such as looking for information from various sources (print, the Internet etc.), extracting information from different texts, making appropriate notes of information obtained, expanding notes into coherent extended texts and presenting information as well as giving viewpoints in an oral presentation. The tasks assigned will be in the form of individual and group work projects that can develop students’ skills in time management, project management, teamwork and group interaction.