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- Bil. Capaian: 16300
UPNM menawarkan pengajian di peringkat pasca siswazah dalam dua mod pengajian bagi program Sarjana (Master) iaitu mod kerja kursus (coursework) dan mod penyelidikan (research). Program Doktor Falsafah (PhD) juga fokus kepada mod penyelidikan. Kedua-dua mod pengajian ini ditawarkan secara separuh masa (part time) dan sepenuh masa (full time).
UPNM menawarkan 141 lapangan penyelidikan bagi program pengajian di peringkat Sarjana dan Doktor Falsafah untuk mod penyelidikan.
(Sila rujuk UPNM Postgraduate Prospectus 2022-2026 / Muka surat 33 hingga 40)
UPNM menawarkan 8 program pengajian di peringkat Sarjana untuk mod kerja kursus.
(Sila rujuk UPNM Postgraduate Prospectus 2022-2026 / Muka surat 8 hingga 29)
Pusat Pengajian Siswazah
Kompleks Pengajian Siswazah
Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia
Kem Sungai Besi, 57000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel. : (+603) 9051 3003
Emel: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Laman sesawang : cgs.upnm.edu.my
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- Bil. Capaian: 54390
Bagi individu yang berminat menyambung pengajian di peringkat Sarjana (Master) dan Doktor Falsafah (PhD) di UPNM, borang permohonan (PPS-01) boleh didapatkan dari laman sesawang Pusat Pengajian Siswazah (PPS).
Sila klik pada imej berikut:
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- Bil. Capaian: 68881
Master's Programme by Coursework Mode
1. Applicants for Master’s programme by coursework must fulfill the following requirements:
i. A bachelor’s degree in the field1 or related field or equivalent with a minimum CGPA of 2.50 or equivalent, from UPNM or any recognised university by the Senate; or
ii. A bachelor’s degree in the field1 or related field or equivalent with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 and not meeting a CGPA of 2.50, can be accepted subject to rigorous internal assessment; or
iii. Candidate without a qualification in the related field1 or working experience in the relevant field1 must undergo appropriate prerequisite courses determined by the University and meet the minimum CGPA based on Clause 1 (i) and/or Clause 1 (ii) of the above. or
iv. Other qualifications recognised by the Senate that are obtained through Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) - Level 7 (APEL-7).
2. Applicants for Master's programme by coursework in Computer Science must fulfill the following requirements:
i. A bachelor’s degree in Computing or in the field or related fields or equivalent with a minimum CGPA of 2.75 or equivalent qualification from UPNM or any recognised university by the Senate; or
ii. A bachelor’s degree in Computing or in the field or related fields or equivalent with a minimum CGPA of 2.50 or equivalent from UPNM or any recognised university by the Senate not meeting a CGPA of 2.75 can be accepted subject to rigorous internal assessment; or
iii. A bachelor’s degree in Computing or in the field or related fields or equivalent with a CGPA less than 2.50 or equivalent from UPNM or any recognised university by the Senate can be accepted subject to a minimum of five (5) years working experience in any relevant field and rigorous internal assessment; or
iv. Candidates without a qualification in the related fields or relevant working experience must undergo appropriate prerequisite courses determined by the Senate and meet the minimum CGPA based on Clause 2 (i) and/or Clause 2 (ii) and/or Clause 2 (iii) of the above.
v. Other qualifications recognised by the Senate that are obtained through Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL A Certificate APEL T-7).
Master's Programme by Research Mode
3. Applicants for master's programme by research must fulfil the following requirements:
i. A bachelor’s degree in the field or related fields to the programme with a minimum CGPA of 2.75, as accepted by the UPNM Senate; or
ii. A bachelor’s degree in the field or related fields or equivalent to the programme with a minimum CGPA of 2.50 and not meeting a CGPA of 2.75 can be accepted subject to rigorous internal assessment. or
iii. A bachelor’s degree in the field or related fields or equivalent to the programme with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 and not meeting CGPA of 2.50, can be accepted subject to a minimum of 5 years working experience in relevant field and rigorous internal assessment.
iv. Applicants without a qualification in the related fields or relevant working experience must undergo appropriate
prerequisite courses determined by the Senate and meet the minimum CGPA based on Clause 3 (i), Clause 3 (ii) and Clause 3 (iii) of the above; or
v. Qualification obtained through Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL A Certificate (APEL T-7) and with working experience in the field or related to the programme.
4. Applicants for master programme in Computer Science must fulfil the following requirements:
i. A bachelor’s degree in computing or in science and technology or related to computing with a minimum CGPA of 3.00 or equivalent qualification from UPNM or any recognised university by the Senate; or
ii. A bachelor’s degree in computing or in science and technology or related to computing or equivalent qualification with a minimum CGPA of 2.75 and not meeting a CGPA of 3.00 can be accepted subject to rigorous internal assessment. or
iii. A bachelor’s degree in computing or in science and technology or related to computing or equivalent qualification not meeting a CGPA of 2.75 can be accepted subject to a minimum of five (5) years working experience in any relevant field.
vi. Applicants without a qualification in the related fields or relevant working experience must undergo appropriate prerequisite courses determined by the Senate and meet the minimum CGPA based on Clause 4 (i), Clause 4 (ii) and Clause 4 (iii) of the above. or
vii. Qualification obtained through Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL A Certificate (APEL T-7) and with working experience in the field or related to the programme.
PhD Programmes by Research Mode
5. Applicants for Doctoral (PhD) programmes must fulfil the following requirements:
i. A master’s degree in the field or related fields to the programme from UPNM or any recognised university by the Senate. or
ii. Other qualifications that are recognised by the Senate and/ or Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) as equivalent to a master’s degree.
iii. Applicants without a related qualification in the field/s or working experience in the relevant fields must undergo appropriate prerequisite courses determined by the Senate.
6. Applicants for Doctoral (PhD) programme in Computer Science
A master’s degree or equivalent and candidates must have completed at least one (1) of their earlier degrees (Master or Bachelor) in Computing or related to computing.
- Details
- Bil. Capaian: 55948
Pemohon perlu melengkapkan Borang Permohonan Pengajian Siswazah (PPS-01) bersama dengan dokumen-dokumen sokongan sepertimana dinyatakan dalam borang permohonan tersebut kepada alamat dinyatakan dibawah.
Bagi pemohon yang memilih menyambung pengajian menerusi Mod Penyelidikan (Research), pemohon perlu menghantar kertas cadangan yang mengandungi perkara berikut:
i. Tajuk yang mengandungi kata kunci khusus dalam bidang tersebut
ii. Pengenalan (Latar Belakang Penyelidikan, Objektif Penyelidikan, Hipotesis, Kenyataan Masalah/Soalan-soalan Penyelidikan) yang berkait khusus dalam bidang tersebut
iii. Sorotan Literatur Terpilih (penyelidikan terdahulu)
iv. Metadologi (Konsep/Rangka kerja Teoretikal, Carta Gantt) yang berkait khusus dalam bidang tersebut
v. Jangkaan Penemuan
vi. Rumusan; dan
vii. Rujukan.
Permohonan yang telah lengkap perlu dihantar kepada berikut:
Pusat Pengajian Siswazah
Kompleks Pengajian Siswazah
Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia
Kem Sungai Besi, 57000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel.: (+603) 9051 3003
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.