Page 273 - Laporan Tahunan UPNM 2022
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Hubungan Industri dan Korporat

               Jadual 62:    Senarai MoA/ MoU dan Sijil Kerjasama (CoC) Dengan Badan/ Institusi Tempatan dan Luar Negara Dalam
                          Bidang Akademik dan Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan (R & D) 2022

               Bil.   Negara          Institusi Terlibat   Tarikh Meterai       Bidang Kerjasama
              Bidang Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan (MoA)

               4.     Malaysia      MyMedikal Healthcare    29/03/2022   4 NDUM has developed and is
                                         Sdn. Bhd.                          the registered owner of the
                                                                            IComPBag is willing to grant an
                                                                            exclusive licence for five years
               5.     Malaysia     HJS Maritime Sdn. Bhd.   04/08/2022   4 to collaborate in organizing
                                                                            research in turbocharger design
                                                                            and manufacturing;
                                                                         4 exchange of research knowledge
                                                                            in turbocharger design; and
                                                                         4 any other areas of co-operation
                                                                            to be mutually agreed upon by
                                                                            the Parties.
              Bidang Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan (MoU)
               1.     Amerika      Texas A&M Engineering     10/01/2022  UPNM as Supporting Partner of
                      Syarikat       Experiment Station -                Asia Turbomachinery and Pump
                                  Turbomachinery Laboratory              Symposium and related programs in
                                                                         the Asia Pacific region
               2.      India          Pandit Deendayal       14/02/2022  4 Collaboration in research projects
                                     Petroleum University                   of mutual interest in Science,
                                                                            Technology and Engineering;
                                                                         4 Collaboration in identifying
                                                                            and bidding for national and
                                                                            international, research grants of
                                                                            mutual interest;
                                                                         4 Collaboration in exploring
                                                                            programme synergies in solar
                                                                            energy applications, Energy,
                                                                            waste water treatment or any
                                                                            related disciplines where either
                                                                            institution excels. This could
                                                                            include, but not limited, to
                                                                            synthesis, characterization and
                                                                            application of 2D nanomaterials
                                                                            and nanocomposites;
                                                                         4 Joint supervision and student
                                                                            mobility subject to financial and
                                                                            regulatory framework of each
                                                                         4 Exchange information on
                                                                            research and teaching and
                                                                            learning materials relevant to the
                                                                            parties relevant educational and
                                                                            research programmes;
                                                                         4 Explore ways and means to finance
                                                                            joint projects through special
                                                                            government and other funding
                                                                            sources by jointly applying for such
                                                                            funding and actively collaborating
                                                                            on eligible research projects;
                                                                         4 Any additional activity(s) that is
                                                                            mutually agreeable to both Parties

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                             Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia
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