185 Un i v e r s i t i P e r t a h a n a n Na s i o n a l Ma l a y s i a L A P O R A N T A H U N A N 2 0 2 0 Penerbitan Ilmiah Judul: Siri Penyelidikan UPNM - Pembentukan Indeks Prestasi Kecergasan Fizikal (Edisi Kemaskini) ISBN: 978-967-2414-18-6 Format/Bahasa: Bercetak/Bahasa Malaysia Pengarang: Mohar Kassim, Shahrulfadly Rustam, Norhafizah Hamzah, Aizuddin Amri Zainuddin Ringkasan: Penulisan ini adalahbermuladenganpembentukan indeks prestasi (IP) kecergasan fizikal bagi mengukur tahap kecergasan fizikal individu serta mendorong individu untuk melakukan aktiviti kecergasan fizikal dengan lebih sistematik dan berkesan. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk membentuk indeks prestasi kecergasan fizikal di kalangan pegawai-pegawai kadet Pasukan Latihan Pegawai Simpanan (PALAPES). Seramai 443 orang peserta yang terdiri daripada 212 pegawai-pegawai kadet lelaki dan 231 pegawai-pegawai kadet perempuan PALAPES Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) terlibat di dalam pengumpulan maklumat. Peserta yang dipilih adalah pegawai-pegawai kadet PALAPES UPNM tahun 2016/2017. Judul: UPNM Research Series - Performance and Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) for Heat Resistant Wall Panel (Revised Edition) ISBN: 978-967-2414-16-2 Format/Bahasa: Bercetak/Bahasa Inggeris Pengarang: Umi Nadiah Nor Ali, Norazman Mohamad Nor Ringkasan: In this study, the Heat Resistant Wall Panel with flowing water shows the best performance in reducing the building’s indoor temperature during the experimental work done. A significant temperature drop was found in this wall panel type: reached 6°C at the extreme temperature (35°C). In order to determine the energy efficiency and cost saving, the Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) was performed as to complete the third objective. As a result, the Heat Resistant Wall Panel with flowing water was discovered as the most suitable solution in reducing indoor temperature and as a way to save energy with the payback on investment will occur in nine years. Furthermore, about 30.6% cost reduced by using the Heat Resistant Wall Panel with flowing water in term of annual maintenance and services cost. Layout (Annual Report UPNM 2020).indd 185 07/03/2022 11:50 AM